Learn Map Layouts. A key component to most shooters is map knowledge, and this is even more vital in the slower-paced game of Siege where simply lingering in the wrong hallway can get you killed.Learn Camera Locations. Shooting out cameras as you proceed can be make-or-break when it comes to multiplayer, so noting their location in Terrorist Hunt is as important as learning the map.Adjust Sensitivity. Terrorist Hunt is also a great place to dial in the right controller sensitivity.Speed Play. A trick that even pro players use is running through a Terrorist Hunt match as fast as possible. This is a good trick for beginners to work on building up their ability to snap-aim at targets and lineup headshots.

Listen. Almost everything makes a sound in Siege, so playing with headphones and listening to sounds of the game can be keys to victory. It’s even a good idea to turn off background music in settings so you can focus on listening.Go slow. Along with listening is the idea of making as little noise as possible. Sprinting may get you down a hallway quicker, but it also alerts everyone of your movement. Walking or crouching makes less noise and allows you to examine adjacent areas easier.Learn to Use Breaching Charges. The breaching charges available for some operators are for walls, not barricaded doors or windows that can be smashed with the butt of a rifle or shot out. Breaching charges can also be used as a distraction by placing them on a wall, then moving to a different spot before blasting it.Use your drone. Blindly bashing in a door or going through a window is another recipe for disaster. You should get into a habit of using a drone to check out entry rooms before first entering a structure. Drones are also great at the end of the match to scout out the objective.Don’t waste your first drone. It might be fun to taunt defenders after finding the objective, but it is more helpful to find a hiding spot and position the drone to have a good view of the room or adjacent areas. Teammates can use these drones to spot later in the game.

Slice the Pie. This is a technique used by military and law enforcement to quickly and safely clear an area. Basically, it means hugging the wall next to the door or window, aiming at the furthest corner and working your way in a semi-circle through the room. This technique gives you cover while checking the room. This demonstration of slicing the pie on YouTube is a good tutorial. Play the Angles. Shootouts often come down to who has the best cover. When shooting around a corner or from behind cover, you will have an advantage over players who don’t have similar cover. More importantly, the reverse is true. If the enemy has better cover, use that as an opportunity to flank them rather than get into a gun battle where you are at a disadvantage. Pre-fire. A common technique when firing from cover is to aim down sights before popping out, strafe out of cover, fire a burst, and strafe back into cover. This minimizes the amount of time you are exposed. To boost your chances of success, pre-fire your weapon. This means firing before you leave cover so you are already firing when you are uncovered. Not only does this get the bullets out faster, but it will also eradicate any advantage the opponent may have due to network lag. It sounds simple, but this one trick can really boost your chances in a gun battle.

Defenders should hunker down in the final seconds of the match. This is easily one of the most common reasons defenders lose close matches. In under 30 seconds, move to the objective and stay still. The attackers must come to you, which gives you an advantage.Don’t wait until the last second to attack the objective. This is the opposite of the first tip. In the final seconds, good defenders will pre-fire on openings to the objective. You should make your move before that happens.The Hostage objective is the easiest to win or lose based on the objective. Most matches are just a gun battle to kill the enemy, but if the hostage isn’t properly defended, it is easy to scoop them up and run from the extraction site. This is especially true if the hostage is in a room with an outdoor exit.The Bomb objective requires the defuser. If you see a downed enemy, check for the suitcase defuser. If it is there, you camp in the area and wait for attackers to retrieve it. For attackers, when the player with the defuser goes down, prioritize picking it up even if it is across the map.In Secure Area, the defenders will win by default after a set amount of time if both sides remain in the area at the end of the round. Defenders shouldn’t get impatient and go into attack mode. For attackers, the key is to locate the defender’s hiding spot and then pre-fire when attacking it.

Frost’s bear traps are best at the top of stairs where they are hard to see or behind ground floor windows.The bear trap is also great behind a shield that’s been placed in a door opening. Unfortunately, Frost doesn’t have a shield, so you’ll need a teammate to place it.The bear trap sitting behind a boarded door is the easiest to spot, so avoid this placement,Ordinarily, a bear trap on a floor without anything to help hide it is easily spotted. However, some floor types such as beside the stairs in the middle of Border can make them harder to see.Kapkan’s Entry Denial Device (EDD) works best on doors that have a wall to one side. This makes the EDD harder to spot, especially since the attacker won’t be looking in that direction for possible enemies.A good strategy with EDDs is to place them guarding adjacent rooms along a path towards the objective. Attackers will be most wary along the path, but can get tricked when quickly clearing side rooms or stepping into them during a gun battle.Avoid placing EDDs on external doors or windows as they are the absolute easiest to spot.Lesion’s Gu mines aren’t just a distraction for attackers. They are also an early warning system. Scatter them around the area you want to defend to get a warning when the enemy approaches.Place Gu mines on the other side of a boarded door or window and wait for the enemy. As soon as the mine goes off, fire through the opening for the possibility of an easy kill. This works on exterior doors and windows, but you can’t place the Gu until the setup portion of the round ends.

Attackers to Play:

Thatcher. Almost always useful and relatively straight forward, Thatcher’s special EMP grenades will knock out enemy defenses. If you have Thermite or Hibana on your team, try throwing them at the reinforced walls to knock out any shockwire or jammers that might prevent those operators from breaching the reinforced wall. Even without Thermite or Hibana, Thatcher easily takes out Kapkan’s traps, Valkyrie’s Black Eye cams and other defender gadgets.Blackbeard. Another straight-forward attacker, Blackbead’s special is a rifle shield that helps protect his head and shoulders. This small bit of protection can be the difference between life and death, especially when aiming down sights through an open window. His machine gun has quite a bit of kick, but if you have good aim, his single-shot rifle can be devastating.Finka. Perhaps one of the most underrated attackers in casual play, Finka’s boost will protect teammates with additional health and improved aim for a few seconds. Best of all, it will raise fallen allies that are bleeding out from across the map. A good strategy with Finka is to follow other operators and use your first boost when they get into a firefight. Also, keep aware of downed-but-not-out teammates. The revive portion of the boost will work from anywhere on the map. Boosting while making the attack into the objective room is encouraged!

Attackers to Avoid:

Maverick. Perhaps one of the most powerful special in the game, the downside of his blowtorch is that enemies can see through those holes as well. And because Maverick is making them at eye level, this can lead to a quick headshot. Knowing when and where to make the hole is essential.Fuze. His special wall-penetrating grenades are certainly cool, but they can also take out teammates and hostages. It’s also not as easy to get kills with his cluster charge as it might sound. Good placement, such as wood ceilings above the objective, is key to using him effectively.Thermite. While blasting through reinforced walls sounds good, blasting through the wrong wall won’t do your team as much good. Thermite is great for those who really know the map and can maximize his special ability.

Defenders to Play:

Rook. Rook is always useful so long as you remember to put his armor plates on the ground at the beginning of the setup phase. The armor plate boosts a defender’s armor rating by two and ensures a bullet wound that takes them below 1 health will put them in down-but-not-out rather than killing them outright so long as that last shot isn’t a headshot.Jager. The Magpie defense system can take out two projectiles per round, and Jager has three of them to set up in the objective rooms. This can be a great counter to grenades, stun grenades, smoke grenades, EMP grenades, and Fuze’s cluster grenades. Put simply, Jager allows defenders to actually defend the objective.Bandit or Mute. With Bandit, start the match out by putting barbed wire and his electrical device in the doorways leading to the objective room. The same for Mute using his jammer. This helps prevent drones from finding the objective. Use additional devices against reinforced walls to prevent Thermite or Hibana from burning through them. When the setup phase ends, the devices can be left guarding the door or moved to a reinforced wall that isn’t protected.

Defenders to Avoid:

Castle. While his reinforced barricades can be very effective, they can also be quite annoying to teammates when placed in the wrong doorway or window. You also run the danger of locking defenders out of the objective, and the few seconds it takes to remove the barricade can prevent a proper slice-the-pie of the room.Pulse. A strong operator in the right hands, it’s easy to get addicted to his heat-sensing special. And when you are using it, you are more vulnerable to a bullet from a distance.Caveira. Some defenders are designed as roamers rather than “anchors” that primarily defend the objective. Caveira is the hyper-version of these defenders, meant to always roam. She’s most effective in the hands of someone who really knows the map, can aim well with her pistol, and who is good at understanding the flow of the game to better know when to go in for the interrogation or simply finish off a downed attacker from a distance.