“Unable to connect to Netflix. Please try again or visit www.netflix.com/help." or “Netflix has encountered an error. Retrying in [X] seconds.” While this error is a pain because it means you can’t currently watch whatever you wanted to stream, it is easily fixable with these troubleshooting steps.

What Is Netflix Error Code TVQ ST 103?

If you encounter the Netflix error code TVQ-ST-103, it usually means that you’re experiencing network problems, but it can also be related to a device caching error. Either of these issues will keep Netflix from connecting to the internet, which means you won’t be able to stream any Netflix entertainment until the error is resolved.

What Is Netflix Error Code TVQ ST 131?

Another variation of the Netflix error code TVQ-St-103 is TVQ-ST-131. It’s a similar error and means that you’re experiencing network connection errors that should be easily solvable if your internet service isn’t down.

What Is Netflix Error Code TVQ ST 148?

The Netflix error code TVQ-ST-148 is another networking error in this same series of Netflix errors related to network connection problems. Essentially, this error means that the Netflix app cannot connect to the Netflix server that serves up the content you want to stream.

What Does Code TVQ RTE 1 Mean on Netflix?

Netflix error code TVQ-RET-1 is another network connection error that is similar to the others mentioned above. This error indicates that your Netflix app cannot connect to the Netflix servers to provide the content you want to watch.

How to Fix Netflix Error Code TVQ ST 106

Another network connection error in the series is TVQ-st-106. As with the other errors in this series, it means the Netflix app can’t connect with the Netflix servers. The steps below should help you resolve this and the other errors in this series of Netflix issues that you may encounter. These instructions apply to Netflix error codes: TVQ-ST-103, TVQ-ST-131, TVQ-ST-148, TVQ-RTE-1, and TVQ-ST-106.

Sign out of Netflix on a smart TV. Sign out of Netflix on a Roku. Sign out of Netflix on an Xbox.

If your device isn’t one of those, you can always try using your device’s remote to sign out. Press the following buttons on your device’s remote:

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up.

This button combo should bring up a deactivation screen where you can select Sign out from the available options. Once Netflix is signed out, then try signing back in with your username and password. You can delete apps from LG smart TVs or other smart TVs, but the process is a little different from deleting apps on other streaming devices:

Delete apps on Apple TV. Delete Apps on Firestick. Delete Apps on Roku. Delete Apps on Chromecast.