Where Are Villages Found in Minecraft?

Villages are generated right along with the rest of your world, but you can’t just find them anywhere. They appear in these five biomes: plains, savanna, taiga, snowy tundra, and desert. If you’re playing Bedrock Edition, you can also find them in snowy taiga, sunflower plains, taiga hills, and snowy taiga hills. If you want to head out and look for a village, keep in mind that they don’t appear in all biomes. If you find yourself in a biome that doesn’t spawn villages, keep quickly moving until you reach the next biome. If that biome doesn’t match either, keep going, and once you find a biome that can actually host villages, explore it thoroughly and only move on once you’ve seen the entire thing.

How to Use the Minecraft Village Finder

The Minecraft Village Finder is a built-in tool that automatically locates the nearest one and provides you with its location. If you don’t want to wander around randomly hoping to stumble across a village, this is the best way to find one fast. Here’s how to locate a village in Minecraft:

How to Find Villages in Creative Mode

If you’re playing in creative mode, you can use the locate village command just like survival mode. However, it’s also effortless to find a village because you can fly in creative mode. If you don’t like the looks of your nearest village, then you can always take flight and look for something more to your tastes. Villages spawn with a wide range of sizes and configurations, and there’s no guarantee that you will find any specific villager type in any given place. Different kinds of villagers offer different trades, and the nearest village might not have what you seek. Regardless of your reason for looking for different villages, finding them in creative mode is similar to finding one in survival mode, except you can do it a whole lot faster. Start by flying in any direction, and make a note of the biome type. If it isn’t a biome that can have villages, then keep flying. When you locate a compatible biome, explore the edges and move inward methodically. If you don’t see a village, move on and look for another compatible biome.

Using Your Seed to Find Villages in Minecraft

In Minecraft, every world is based on a seed, which the game uses to generate the world. If you use one seed to create more than one world, each version of the world will have the same starting state with biomes, ore, and things like villages in the same place. So if you start your world using a seed of a world with a village located at the initial spawn location, you will spawn into a village right off the bat. If you already have a world, you can also find the location of villages using your seed. Here’s how to find villages in Minecraft using your seed:

In Java Edition: Use the /seed command.In Bedrock Edition: Look at the world options screen.