How to Change the Local IP Address on a Mac

Your Internet Protocol (IP) address is like a street address but for the internet. On your home network, each device has its own IP address that is used to route data within the network. There are a few different ways to change the IP address on a Mac, so you need to know why you’re changing it to make sure you use the right method. If you want to change the local IP address on a Mac, you can do so in the network settings.

How to Change the IP on a Mac Using a Proxy

A proxy server is a server that you place between yourself and the internet. You connect to the proxy server, it passes on requests for data, and then it returns data back to you. One consequence of using a proxy is that doing so causes traffic that comes from your computer to appear as if it has come from the public IP address of the proxy server. If you want to use a proxy server, you need to either find a free proxy server or pay for a proxy server. You can also set one up yourself, although that is a lot more complicated. To make things easier, here’s a list of the best free proxy servers and also useful information on how to find free proxy servers. Here’s how to change your IP using a proxy server on a Mac:

How to Change Your IP Address on a Mac With a VPN

When you use a VPN, all of your internet traffic is routed through the VPN’s servers. Most VPNs provide a choice of servers from around the world, so you can appear to have an IP address from a variety of different countries. The best VPN providers also provide data security guarantees, making it relatively safe to transmit sensitive data without worrying about anyone intercepting it. You can set up a VPN on your Mac using network settings or just download an app from the App Store. Here are the basic steps to get up and running with a VPN on your Mac:

How to Get a New IP From Your Internet Service Provider

Some internet service providers stick you with the same public IP for years at a time, while others change your IP on a fairly regular basis. Others provide a new IP each time your router is restarted. If your ISP works like that, then all you have to do is restart your network hardware, and you’ll have a new public IP after your router reconnects. If your ISP doesn’t work like that, and you really need a new IP due to denial of service (DoS) attacks, hacking, harassment, or any other reasons, you can always contact your provider and ask for a new IP. This process may be time consuming, as you will probably have to go through several layers of customer service and explain your problem several times, but it’s worth a shot if you have no other options.

Ways to Change an IP Address on a Mac

These are the different ways to change the IP address on your Mac, and each one has its own unique purpose. Here are your main options and the primary reason to use that method:

Changing your local IP: This is fast and easy, but it only changes your Mac’s local IP on your home network. Your external IP address, which allows your computer to be located on the internet, remains unchanged. Using a proxy: This method requires you to obtain access to a proxy server. When you change your IP using this method, it changes your public IP to that of the proxy server, effectively hiding your real IP from the world. Using a VPN: This method requires you to sign up for a virtual private network (VPN). It’s more secure than the proxy method, and it also replaces your public IP with a new IP. Get a new IP from your ISP: Your internet service provider (ISP) typically changes your IP from time to time, and you may be able to request a new IP on a faster timetable.

Not Sure Which Mac IP Changing Method to Use?

Now that you know the different methods, you can think about why you want to change your IP and then choose the method that fits the best. Here are some examples of why you might want to change the IP on your Mac and which method to use: